Our immunotherapy treatment: an autologous therapeutic vaccine
Our research has allowed us to develop a personalised treatment with a unique principle, based on the properties of hydroxyapatite

Benefits of a personalised therapeutic vaccine
Cancers are different because each type of cancer has its own characteristics. But within each type of cancer, peculiarities emerge according to:
- The individual: two people with the same type of cancer will not always have the same genetic alterations at the origin of the cancer, not the same behaviour of the cancer cells, not the same evolution of the disease. In addition, two individuals do not have the same genetic code, so the cancer they will have will be their own and unique.

- The heterogeneity of cancer cells within the same individual. Over time and multiplication, cancer cells accumulate new genetic alterations, acquire resistance to the treatment. Cancer cells are not immutable during the evolution of the disease and constitute a population of cells different from one another.

That's why current generic treatments struggle to eradicate all cancer cells in all patients. Research increasingly focuses on personalised treatments or for treatment combinations specific to each case.
The therapeutic vaccine developed by Hastim makes it possible to overcome these difficulties: it is a personalised treatment which makes it possible to adapt to the specificities of the cancer of each and which can be adapted to the evolution of the disease.

Unique principle of this new cancer medicine
When cells undergo genetic alterations, they produce proteins different from the proteins of healthy cells.
All of these proteins are different for each cancer, tumour, and individual. These abnormal proteins are detected by cells of the immune system, and the cells that produce these proteins are destroyed. Cancer develops because cancer patients have found a way out of immune cells.
The goal of the treatment developed by Hastim is to activate/reactivate the ability of immune system cells to detect these proteins and destroy cancer cells.
This is a personalised treatment based on the purification of proteins from an individual's tumour. The innovation of this treatment comes from the properties of hydroxyapatite particles designed to select, fix and concentrate these proteins. The same particles that have become vectors, loaded with proteins, are reinjected into the individual, according to a precise vaccination schedule, in order to reactivate its immune system.
Indeed, hydroxyapatite particles make it easier for immune cells to detect tumour proteins, and to train them to identify them when they find them in the tumour.
Hastim's autologous therapeutic vaccine is the result of years of research, which have demonstrated the effectiveness of this technique.